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"Hi~I would like to praise your company for "Wart Wonder Super Potent". My husband had this "huge" plantars wart on the bottom of his foot for over 11 years. He had it burnt off twice by a doctor, used OTC wart removers and tried another natural wart product with no success. Then, we bought your product. Within about a month we noticed the wart turning different colors with some black specks. We used up the first bottle and called your office to order another. And after 5 months of using the product 2-3x daily, he is now wart free! Hooray! Thanks so much! Sandy :)"
"Dear Linda, I wish I had a before picture. For years I tried, as did the acupuncturist at one point, to rid my thumbnail of a fungus. Sometimes it itched, it split my nail, and well, didn't look well. I found myself looking at it. Most recently I treated it with with Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil.
Thank you very much. By the way, I still have more Wart Wonder left in the bottle we bought.
In Peace, A.F., Ph.D."
Then my son developed a wart on his foot and we found your Wart Wonder at Whole Foods. It seemed a bit more expensive, but I hoped would be worth it. We started applying it religiously to my son's foot. I then thought since I was already treating my finger with some of your ingredients maybe Wart Wonder could rid my thumbnail of the fungus, even though you had a special formula for that.
Well, Wart Wonder healed my son's wart and killed the virus under my nail. For the first time in TWENTY YEARS I have a healthy thumbnail. I am thrilled. I still look at it, but in joy and amazement.
I do not think these are on the site...
“WART WONDER worked on my wart. It took 3 weeks to get rid of it. I've not used any other wart medicine so I cannot compare against similar products. It is easy to use but kind of runny. I like that it is herbal.” H.B.
“I would highly recommend theWART WONDER. It is easy to use and the most important thing is it WORKS! I had two warts frozen in the past on my fingers, but with using this product on a new wart ( a year old) it has dried it up, with no pain, just care. It is an herb product, which is very good!” T. F.
“Although it does work, it took much longer than expected. The odor was not offensive like Compound W either. But it didn't work as quickly as I thought it was supposed to. Overall, if you want natural products and time frame doesn't matter this will work. WART WONDER actually works.” T.B.
“I recommend this product because it works. It is easy to use. I could not use it as prescribed because of where my condition was located. It took extra time. However, WART WONDER is amazing!” H.B.
"Hello! We just wanted to tell you that we are thrilled with the quick results of your WART WONDER therapy. We had been using an OTC salicylic acid preparation and it just was not working at all. After one week, the first of three warts disappeared and within another week two others came off very easily. These were large warts, and we were thinking it would take a month. Also, this was on a six year old child and so bandaids were not used. I just dropped a little on at bedtime and in the morning. This bottle can help hundreds there is so much left!! Thank you for this wonderful product! Sincerely, Ann Marie"
"Dear Wart Wonder Lady, I think it worked like a charm. The other bandages I was using hurt and made my thumb red but WART WONDER didn't hurt at all. I liked that you didn't have to cut the wart, and you could see that it was going away. I don't like warts, but I do like WART WONDER. Good Bye, Leah Thackeray, Age 7"
"We have tried the WART WONDER and it really does work and we appreciate your effort - no scars or remnants!" C.C., MO
"WART WONDER worked perfectly on my plantars warts. I was stunned! Good job! Please send another bottle for me to give to my brother when he comes next week." J.H., OH
"I purchased your WART WONDER at a health food store in Tulsa, OK last month. I had several very painful warts. They had been diagnosed by a doctor as seed warts. One was behind and partially under my thumb nail. One doctor stated that this one was very large and would take considerable work due to its position. He stated that this wart removal would cost me about $300-400. I had tried the harsh chemicals which are over the counter, and even straight fresh garlic. None gave me any results. I used your formula about 2 1/2 weeks. It was quite painful, and I would have to stop the therapy from time to time. At the last day of treatment, I decided to give my thumb a break for the formula was blistering the area around the wart. I stopped for about a week, then began again for one day. I noticed the wart was a bit loose, so I tried to pull it off. It came off without much pain. I looked at the area beneath, and saw only a few seeds left at the circumference of the affected area. So I began using the formula once again. From the first day the wart began turning black. I knew this meant it was dying. So, though the treatment was painful for me, it was a pleasure to think that soon it would be gone. I have four more warts on my left foot which I plan to work on next. As I see this one leaving, I think about the worst case I have ever seen. I am a nurse, and I admitted a patient with a stroke on his left side. This meant he had right-sided weakness. As I gave him a total body assessment I came to his left foot. On the bottom of his foot behind his toes and extending down his foot about 4 inches, was a cauliflower wart. It covered the whole width of his foot. I asked the doctor what they could do for him. He said that it was the largest wart he had ever seen, and that there was nothing, which could be done for him short of amputation. He already had right-sided weakness, and did not need to loose his left foot. After seeing the results I have acquired so far, I wish I had known about WART WONDER at this time. I would like to thank you for creating it. Be Blessed, Connie"
"You are one of the only companies that have a money back guarantee and I really appreciate that. I would also like to tell you that I have been using your WART WONDER; it is amazing. I had tried just about everything for my plantar warts too and this is the only thing that has worked! I love it! Thank you for your time and help." K.T., NV
“I used one bottle of WART WONDER over a 2-year period and did have some good results. One to go.” C.H., DE
“I bought WART WONDER about a month ago for my six-year-old daughter. She had suffered for 3 years with flat facial warts. I went to several doctors and tried many prescription topical creams over these years with no results. I am thrilled to say the facial warts are all gone! The product is a miracle in a bottle for both parent and child. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who is suffering from warts. You will get results. Thank you." M.R., NY
“WART WONDER worked on my wart— it took 3 weeks to get rid of it. I’ve not used any other wart medicine so I cannot compare against similar products. It is easy to use but kind of runny. I like that it is herbal.” H.B.
“Dear Well-in-Hand, Thank you for a fantastic product! For five years a persistent, horrible wart annoyed me on the outside of my forefinger. I sought help through treatments by two general practitioners, then a surgeon, a dermatologist, and finally, folk medicine advice gleaned from the Internet. During this time I constantly had to file this wart with an emery board daily, endure cracks, bleeding, soreness, at least four different sessions of freezing treatments, and many repeated, acid treatments, all painful and slow healing. For many weeks at a time I wore waterproof adhesive tape to smother the wart, prayed over it, tried to use positive thinking, tried to heal it mentally...but nothing worked. It just got larger and deformed my fingernail on the side. This summer my nurse practitioner daughter was in a co-op store that sells herbals and as a joke for my birthday, knowing my frustration, bought me this bottle of WART WONDER! She didn't think I would get any relief from it but thought it worth a smile. In desperation, I began to apply it twice, sometimes three times daily. This was in mid-July of 2001. It is now November. My wart began to shrink after about three weeks of steady treatment, but I was so busy I failed to notice that I wasn't filing it daily! All of a sudden, in early September I woke up one day and realized that my wart had disappeared. My finger no longer looked deformed. My skin had grown back over the former afflicted area ...My finger is normal appearing at last with no sign of a wart. Thank you for a truly wonderful miracle product!!! You must receive many letters like this. Thank you again,” L.C.
"Two years ago, I stumbled upon your remedy for warts, "WART WONDER". And it is a wonder! It cleared up my older daughter's foot warts and is now doing wonders on my younger daughter's foot warts. It is non-invasive and a wonderful example for both of my children as to the effectiveness of natural products for natural healing. Thanks!" J.G., CT
"I recently used WART WONDER and finally got rid of a wart. This last week I started to get a Herpes blister and it occurred to me since a wart and herpes are caused by a virus maybe WART WONDER would work on the blister as well. With in 24 hours it was improving and in three days it was totally gone. I applied only twice a day for three days. I wanted to let you know as it may help many others. I thank you for your product!" S.B.
"I get a thrill looking at my finger knowing the big wart is gone. I can wear a ring now and feel pretty again! It works! I love it! I've recommended it to my friends. WART WONDER. It's great!" C.L., CA
"I had horrible warts for many years. I tried everything the demonologists had to offer, and then tried every conceivable natural product. I came acrossWART WONDER in a health food store and decided it couldn't hurt. I no longer have to bandage my fingers to cover up my unsightly warts.... they are gone. The massive plantar warts on my foot are almost a third less in size. You have truly turned me into a Well-in-hand trustee.”
"I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your product, WART WONDER. Nothing had ever worked for me and I was reluctant at first to try it. I was so amazed to see my warts finally disappear! Thanks for your great product and I hope to hear from you soon."
"Dear Linda,
wish I had a before picture. For years I tried, as did the
acupuncturist at one point, to rid my thumbnail of a fungus. Sometimes
it itched, it split my nail, and well, didn't look well. I found myself
looking at it. Most recently I treated it with with apple cider
vinegar and Tea Tree oil. Then my son developed a wart on his foot and we found your Wart
Wonder at Whole Foods. It seemed a bit more expensive, but I hoped would
be worth it. We started applying it religiously to my son's foot. I
then thought since I was already treating my finger with some of your
ingredients maybe Wart Wonder could rid my thumbnail of the fungus, even
though you had a special formula for that. Well, Wart Wonder healed my son's wart and killed the virus under my
nail. For the first time in TWENTY YEARS I have a healthy thumbnail. I
am thrilled. I still look at it, but in joy and amazement. Thank you very much. By the way, I still have more Wart Wonder left in the bottle we bought. In Peace," A.F, Ph.D.
used Wart Wonder on my GW. You'd have to dilute it a bit so as not to
irritate your skin if you're gonna use it on a sensitive area.
I had growth on the base of my member for years before I realized it
was HPV. It took another couple of years before I did anything about it
due to the medical propaganda out there (it's incurable . . . only laser
treatment will work and that's no guarantee it won't come back, etc.). I
used a few things on it -- Colloidal Silver, Grapefruit Seed Extract,
etc. -- and it softened it up and turned it white. It irritated the
growth and seemed to be getting "at" it, but never actually got to the
core. Then I came across Wart Wonder and it was gone in a matter of
days. Another growth I had on my abdomen took about two days to go. It's
been a couple of years now. Neither has come back. I still have half a
bottle of Wart Wonder in my medicine cabinet.
You may want to just "yank" the suckers off after a few days. That's
what I did. They may turn black. My GW turned black and was ready to be
yanked off. Left a little crater that healed up quite quickly. The one
on my abdomen came off while I was scrubbing in the shower. Fresh clean
skin underneath.
The stuff works. it's just a shame that everyone living in shame or
spending unnecessary dollars on "medicine" and "surgery" doesn't know
about it."
had to use a product called Wart Wonder. I can't remember how I came
across it.... maybe on a Google Search? I started using it in around
10-2008 and after using most of a bottle of the regular strength I found
the Super Potent. Maybe it's a common product but I never heard
of it before. It took many months, but the wart finally stopped
appearing and the skin is soft and clear. Hopefully got rid of the
cursed thing. I probably spent about $50 or $60 for the combined costs
of the two bottles. Not cheap, but certainly worth the expense.
Probably like the folks that had success with bananas,
Wart Wonder seemed to work best when rubbing it in while watching a
movie or whatever. The Super Potent seemed to work the best. If I had to
"do it over again" I would only get the strongest potency. I guess my
plantar was too stubborn for a banana, I'm just glad I finally found
something that worked. Hopefully for the "Nays"
like me who were trying to deal with this for years and felt at the end
of their hope this may help."
When I was a teenager I developed plantar warts, which are warts that
grow on the underside of the foot. When they get large, they can become
quite painful, and my doctor advised having them removed. Little did I
realize what would be involved in their removal! It wasn’t the cutting, the burning, or the digging that bothered me
the most; it was the needle that the doctor used to deaden the underside
of my foot that got to me. I’m pretty sure that my screaming cleared
the waiting room, for there was no one left in there when I emerged from
the procedure room. My mother was very grateful that we had health insurance to cover
their removal, as the procedure can be quite costly. At this point in
time, we recently discovered, the going rate is between $1200 – $1500,
per wart. Most people with warts have more than one, so the cost can add
up quickly. After spending all of that money removing the warts, we are given no
guarantee that they will never return. Quite often they do, because the
underlying virus that caused the warts was never attacked. Unless the
virus is wiped out, there is a very good chance that the warts will
return. There is an easier, less expensive way to remove warts that will not
only remove the wart, but will attack the viral cause as well. What is
this miracle cure? Apple cider vinegar. Yup, that’s it… pure, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is all that is
needed. Make sure that it is unfiltered, not distilled, apple cider
vinegar, for the white stuff found in most markets will not do the job.
Only the pure vinegar (cloudy in appearance) has the ability to kill the
virus that causes these warts. Some warts, however, need a more potent mixture, including blood root
and essential oils. For those hard to kill warts, I highly recommend Wellinhand Action Remedies' Wart Wonder. Having experienced both kinds of wart removal, I can honestly report that the price is not the only part that is less painful.